Help keep the Big Gay Out FREE
We’re committed to keeping Big Gay Out a free and accessible event for our Rainbow whānau.
On the day, we want attendees to only be thinking about having a Big Gay OUTrageous time, but in order to do that… we need your help.
Your support ensures that our Rainbow communities can connect at Big Gay Out, and have a voice to celebrate with pride and hope. You can change the lives of LGBTQIA+ people who face barriers for simply being themselves.
It costs over $200k to deliver this fabulous community event, we are proud to provide Big Gay Out free of charge but every year this becomes more and more challenging. As we’ve all seen over the last 12 months, costs are increasing. We’re experiencing steep increases in the costs to putting it on - an event essential, portaloos, went from $8k to $16k alone.
We need your support to keep the largest and one of the longest running Rainbow events in Aotearoa free for everyone. Donate today!